Did you know there are only an estimated 1,100 professional Firearms Instructors in the US? Here are 5 reasons why you should consider investing in professional training. From Scott Willey, founder and lead instructor of Paladin Tower Tactics:
When you decided to carry a concealed pistol everyday or place an AR-15 by your bedside, you did so to preserve life. Whether it is your life or the lives of those you love, you recognize that the best tool available to you is the firearm. You made an investment, and it is a good one. The best investment you can make is into your knowledge of how to employ that tool for the reason it exists: the gunfight. The number one objection I hear to training is the cost of tuition. Many of the types that make this objection have recently spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on firearms. Cost in this economy is a valid concern, and I will say two things about the value of training with me: I will make it worth every one of your hard earned dollars. Secondly, it is impossible to predict when you may encounter violence and will need to use your firearm. In a fight for your life or the lives of your loved ones you will want every advantage, and I believe my tuition is a worthwhile investment to give you that advantage.
We train to get home to those we love. If you knew that you would be in a gunfight in two weeks, how would you prepare for it? Wouldn't you seek out those with the knowledge and experience to teach you how to best survive it so you can come home to your family? The reality is, no one, no matter how safe your community, is immune to a violent criminal attack. Violence can happen anywhere at anytime. Give yourself the best chance to come home to your family, invest in training. You owe it to yourself. You owe it to your family. You owe it to your fellow citizen.
Most gun owners have never taken professional grade training because they mistake the ability to stand still on an indoor range or in the backyard and put holes in a paper target as enough skill to win a gunfight. At Paladin Tower Tactics we are not teaching you how to shoot. We are teaching you how to fight with a gun. The knowledge, skill, and experience I have obtained to do this took years of work to acquire. The efficient transfer of these things is done through professional training. There is a huge difference between punching a heavy bag at a gym on your own, because it happens to be something you have the ability to do, and having a boxing coach show you how to punch a heavy bag properly. The same thing is true with firearms and tactics. Just because you have the ability to pull a trigger and hit a target does not translate to high survivability in a gunfight. When you receive training from Paladin Tower Tactics you are receiving the fruit of thousands of hours spent on the range, experience on the battlefield and the streets, and years spent in training with other instructors who have done the same. This knowledge is passed onto you in a safe, professional manner using cutting edge training techniques and the most forward thinking teaching methods that will increase your survivability.
At Paladin Tower Tactics we teach students to survive the gunfight, legal fight, and spiritual fight. Did you know you will face all three if you should use a firearm to defend yourself? As it relates to criminal court, your actions will be evaluated based on the law and reasonableness. Ignorance of the law is not a defense to survive the legal fight. You must understand that carrying a firearm for protection is a massive responsibility, if a prosecutor can show the court or a jury that you were negligent in this responsibility, you could lose the legal fight. Professional training validates to the court that you take this responsibility seriously, and you did everything in your power to be a responsible protector of life when you took action to defend it.
Professional training gives you the road map to shape your own practice. Personal practice is the key to increasing your survivability. Training is what you pay a competent instructor to teach you so that you can get quality, real world experienced-based techniques to practice on your own. A handgun carry permit class is not training. YouTube videos are not training. Although there is a transfer of knowledge in both, the benefit of training is diagnostic feedback that results in rapid improvement. Even though I teach hundreds of students a year, I still spend hours and hours on my own practicing. In fact, I try to take at least one training course from another professional instructor each year so that I continue to shape good techniques to practice. I recommend that if you are just starting out, you invest in 1 professional training course each quarter for the first year, while consistently dry fire practicing every day, and shooting a minimum of 50 rounds of practice ammunition a month. After the first year, take one professional training course a year and be consistent with your personal practice.
In the movie "Man on Fire," Denzel Washington playing Creasy said, "There is no such thing as tough. There is only trained or untrained." Everyone fears and wonders how they will react in a life or death fight. Professional training helps take the guess work out of it. At Paladin Tower Tactics we employ experienced based principles in our training. Our students have survived the gun fight, the legal fight, and the spiritual fight with what they learned from us. After they survived a violent home invasion, two of my students credited their survival to God's grace shown to them through the training they received from Paladin Tower Tactics. If you take the "Forge" class we go in depth with lessons learned during that particular incident. Do you have the confidence from professional training? Why wait? Make the investment in training by signing up for training today.
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